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Disgusting Sock Contest Through the 31st on our Facebook Fan page Disgusting Sock Contest |
So we've decided to have a fan appreciation contest that is almost entirely self-serving, a little gross, fairly silly, and that we hope makes you laugh as well.
Here are the details and hopefully the answer to the question "BUT WHY???"
40,000 Facebook Fans - Disgusting Socks Contest Extravaganza**
**and NO we don’t want YOUR disgusting socks!! Eww. We want to give you ours! Yay!
That’s right ladies, sitting in our office at this very moment is a bin of socks that have been modeled for our site. Just so you understand that sadness that is contained by this bin we’ll explain The Life of an Artisan Sock: Born, delivered to Artisan Socks, fawned over by staff, slapped on a models feet, paraded around shamelessly, photographed, torn off models feet, discarded, left to die in a Tupperware bin… (think Velveteen Rabbit, make tears)To thank our loving and loyal fans we are having a Disgusting Sock Giveaway. Some big companies like to gain fans by giving away iPads and other items that people covet like lip balm and Starbucks gift cards, but we think that’s despicable. If you want to gain friends and influence people you should give them things that are used and raunchy.
Why you want our disgusting socks:
They weren’t always disgusting. They were once brand new, but then they were modeled and photographed. You may think models are perfect. You’re wrong, they’re disgusting. They smell all sweet and stuff and live off coffee, lettuce, and their ridiculous good looks and super long legs.
We don’t want their socks or anything else they’ve touched.
How can you get your hands on our used socks you ask?
Post a picture of your most downright disgusting pair of socks to this contest. Vote, have people vote, let strangers vote. Whatevs.
The top (10) voted “THROW THOSE OUT! They are hands down the most disgusting socks” will be mailed a pair of our very own disgusting socks. We’ll also award a “Judges Choice” winner so loners with no friends to pad their votes can still earn themselves some disgusting socks if they submit a good enough photo. We've been there. But probably because we're the kind of people who give people used unwashed socks. Once again, whateva.
Please do not harm or abuse the socks in your photos. We said “disgusting socks” not “disgusting things being done to socks” and we don’t want to know. NO GROSS STUFF! Just mangled, holey, nasty, worn out socks.
Oh, there’s only-semi nasty do-gooderness involved!!:
For every photo posted (good, bad, or ugly) we will give a pair of used socks to a youth charity. In this case, we will wash the socks.
You on the other hand don’t get washed socks, we can’t do everything for you and we’re already paying your shipping and giving you awesome socks.
A little about the charity we’re giving the other socks to:
It’s called Oak Grove Center for Education Treatment and the Arts and it’s a nonprofit 24-hour residential and treatment center for children. Children and youth are admitted with a variety of psychological, social, emotional, behavioral, medical and neurological problems; many of the children have suffered abuse and other traumas.
We love the work of Oak Grove Canter and if we’ve learned one thing from all of their efforts it’s that sometimes it’s the little things that do the most to rebuild lives. A music lesson, a dog-therapy session, (DOG THERAPY ROCKS BTW) a makeover; positive experiences don’t erase the negative ones, but they help establish a new pattern that can change lives. We hope that getting new (used but beautiful) socks is just one of many happy new moments. So please, post those disgusting socks pictures!!
For more about the great things happening at Oak Grove Center please visit : www.oakgrovecenter.org or visit them on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Oak-Grove-Center-For-Education-Treatment-The-Arts/136879286350721
**Please note: we actually love our models and are simply employing a device called humor. We've seen them eat humus too.
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