Sock of the Day, or at least every couple of days Blog :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Now you can choose socks and stockings and leggings by color!

You asked for it and we (finally) answered!

You can now choose our socks and stockings by color!

I really do apologize for taking this long.

We don't have everything sorted out yet and will be making the quality of each section a lot better, but we hope this is a good start.

Stay cool and stay socksy,

Artisan Socks

Here are links to the Artisan Rainbow of colorful socks.
We're about to get in over 60 new styles for fall and Halloween, but for now, enjoy what we have for you now.

Black socks and stockings here

White socks and stockings here

Grey / Gray socks and stockings here

Red / Maroon / Carmine socks here

Blue / Baby blue / Navy / Sky blue socks and stockings here

Green socks here

Brown Socks and stockings here

Yellow and Orange Socks and Stockings here

Metallic (gold, silver, lame - not lame) stockings and leggings

Pretty in pink socks and stockings here

Purple for the fabulous socks and stockings here

and last but not lease, drama, flair and sunshine with our

Rainbow and multicolor socks and stockings here

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